Martyrs under the Altar
The opening of the Fifth Seal revealed the souls of men kept “underneath” the Altar, saints who had been slain for their “Testimony.” They pleaded with God for their vindication and for judgment on the “Inhabitants of the Earth” who had persecuted them. They were told to wait for Him to answer their plea until the full “number” of their “fellow servants” who were going to be slain “just as they were” was added to their company.
This group represents all the “Witnesses of Jesus” described in the
Book of Revelation who gave their lives for the “word of God,” both
in the past and future, and not just to a small remnant of martyrs who are slain
during the final years before Jesus returns. This is demonstrated by the verbal
links in the passage to the other visions of Revelation- (Revelation
[Photo by Luna Wang on Unsplash] |
The “souls under the Altar” represent those men who gave their lives for the “word of God” and “their Testimony.” This includes John himself since he had been exiled to Patmos “for the word of God and the Testimony of Jesus,” as well as the “witness, Antipas” who was slain in Pergamos - (Revelation 1:8-9, 2:13).
Both more Martyrs will be added to the group, including the “Two
Witnesses” who are killed for “their Testimony,” those men martyred
by the “Dragon” because they “held the Testimony of Jesus,” the “saints”
slain by the “Beast from the Sea” for having the “faith of Jesus,”
the “saints” and the “witnesses of Jesus” killed by the “Great
Whore, Babylon,” and all those yet to be put to death because of the “word
of their Testimony, and because they loved not their lives unto death” –
(Revelation 11:7, 12:11, 12:17, 13:7, 14:12, 17:6).
Indeed, Jesus himself is the “Faithful Witness,” and he summons
his followers to “overcome” in the same manner that he did and thereby
qualify to reign with him. All his Martyrs rest assured that he will vindicate
them even beyond the grave since he is the one who was “dead, and behold, I
live forevermore, and I hold the keys of Death and Hades” - (Revelation
1:4-6, 1:18, 3:21).
The imagery from the ancient Tabernacle is continued from the Vision of
the Throne where the “Altar” was first mentioned. In the Fifth Seal
opening, the “Martyrs” are provided with priestly robes since their lives
had been poured out at the base of the Altar, just as sacrificial blood was
poured out at the base of the altar by the priests in the old Tabernacle.
The incomplete number of martyrs resulted from the first four seal
openings. The victims of the forces unleashed by the four “riders” were the
saints who suffered for their “Testimony.”
This is clear in the Second Seal opening when the “rider on a fiery
red horse” caused men to “slay” one another. The first four seal
openings resulted in the deaths of only a “fourth of the earth,” which explains
why the “number” of the Martyrs in the Fifth Seal was incomplete. Some
saints had given their lives “for their Testimony” (e.g.,
Antipas), but more deaths were yet to come.
The Greek term translated as “slay” is the verb sphazô, a
term used for the “slaying” of sacrificial animals, and the same verb applied to
the “slain” Martyrs underneath the Altar, as well as the word used for the
“SLAIN Lamb” who received the “Sealed Scroll” (sphazô – Strong’s
- #G4969).
The point is not mathematical precision, but the verbal and conceptual
links. The tribulation of the “Assemblies of Asia” began with the opening
of the first four seals, but it has yet to run its full course. It will include
many more saints and congregations over time and geography than just the seven
marginalized churches of Asia before it reaches its conclusion.
The fact that the Martyrs pleaded for “vengeance” against the “Inhabitants
of the Earth” demonstrates that the forces unleashed by the first four seals
did not target the enemies of the saints. Their punishment came only later and in
response to the Martyrs’ plea – (Revelation 8:1-6).
The Fifth Seal opening prepares the reader for the arrival of the “Wrath
of the Lamb” unleashed by the Sixth Seal, and for the Vision of the Innumerable Multitude
that John saw “standing” in
worship before the “Lamb” and the “Throne” - (Revelation 6:9-11,
In the first four seal openings, John “heard” commands from the “Four
Living Creatures.” With the openings of the Fifth and Sixth seals, the
stress falls on what he “saw” (“And
I saw when he opened the fifth seal”).
Both seal openings include verbal links to the Vision of the Innumerable Multitude, and both pose questions that are answered in that vision, “How long?”, and “Who is able to stand?” Thus, the Fifth and Sixth Seal openings form a pair. Their sequence is literary, not chronological, and this is dictated by when the “Lamb” opened each seal - (Revelation 7:9-17).
The “Altar” in the Fifth Seal corresponds
to the Altar of Burnt Offerings in the court of the ancient Tabernacle. Blood
from sacrificial victims was poured out at its base, just as the “souls”
of the Martyrs were found “underneath the Altar.” They died as sacrificial
victims. Just as the “Lamb” was “slain,”
so they were “slain” for their “Testimony” - (Exodus 30:1-10,
Leviticus 4:7, Hebrews 9:4).
The group called the “Inhabitants of the Earth” represents those
men who remain irredeemably hostile to Jesus and his saints. It does not refer to
geographic location but to the
life orientation of the group. They
inhabit the lower regions where Satan was cast after he was expelled from
Heaven - (“He was cast to the Earth, and his angels were cast with
him” - Revelation 8:13, 11:10, 12:9, 13:8, 13:12-14, 17:2-8).
Each martyr “under the Altar” was given a white “robe” or stolé,
the Greek term from the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Bible applied to the vestments worn by the Levitical
priests. The “white robes” point to the priestly character and
function of the Martyrs. However, unlike the ancient priests, they poured
out their own lives at the base of the Altar, not that of animals - (Exodus
28:4, 29:21, Ezekiel 44:19).
The “white robe” is also another verbal link to the Vision of the
Innumerable Multitude where the victorious saints were seen “standing before
the Lamb” arrayed in “white robes” (stolé leuke). Through their perseverance, they “washed their robes (stolé) and made them white (leuke) in the blood of the Lamb” - (Revelation 7:9-14).
Until the full number of fellow
witnesses was assembled, they were told to “rest
yet a short time.” The same phrase occurs also when the “Dragon” becomes
enraged, knowing he has only “a short season” remaining to destroy the covenant
Likewise, at the end of the “Thousand
Years,” Satan was loosed for “a short
time.” The verbal links locate the period during which the full and final complement
of Martyrs will be assembled, namely, the final “war,” singular, waged against
the saints at the end of the age by the “Dragon,” the “Beast from the
Sea,” the “False Prophet,” and “Babylon” - (Revelation 11:7,
12:12-17, 13:7, 17:10, 20:7-9).
The plea of the Martyrs echoes the
final vision in the Book of Daniel when the prophet was informed that “your people will be delivered, everyone
found written in the book,” then a voice asked, “HOW LONG will it be to the end of these wonders?”
The Martyrs of Jesus must “rest”
until all the “Witnesses” are added to their company. All must be
assembled before the final judgment can occur when the full company of
saints will “stand” vindicated and in worship before the “Lamb
and the Throne.” In contrast, the “Dragon” and all his allies and
vassals will be judged before the “Great White Throne” and cast into the
“Lake of Fire.”
The Fifth Seal opening
discloses the fate of the first Martyrs for the “Lamb,” but it also informs
the reader that many more must die “for their Testimony” and be gathered
before the last judgment when all the men redeemed by the “Lamb” will “stand”
as an “Innumerable Multitude” before him and his Father.
In the interim, every “Martyr”
for Jesus is granted “rest” while the onslaught against his assemblies continues
until the “last hour” and the descent of “New Jerusalem” to the
Earth on the day that Jesus “appears on the clouds of Heaven.”