Rosh Means "Head"
The Hebrew term ‘ROSH’ in the book of Ezekiel is not a proper name, but the common Hebrew noun for “head.”
Certain interpretative
schools claim the Hebrew word ‘rosh’ in the 38th chapter of Ezekiel
refers to Rus, the name of the medieval kingdom of Kievan Rus.
From this, it is argued, Ezekiel’s prophecy refers to modern Russia. However, in
the Hebrew Bible ‘rosh’ consistently means “head,” including in Ezekiel
This interpretation
is based on the perceived similarities in sound and spelling between the
Hebrew term ‘rosh’ and ‘Rus.’
The noun
“rosh” occurs over six hundred times in the Hebrew Bible and most often means
“head.” Derivative meanings include “chief,” “top,” “sum,” “first,”
“foremost,” and “principal.” Each derived meaning is based on the literal sense
of the term or “head” - (rô'sh
– Strong’s - #H7218).
In the
Hebrew Bible, “rosh” is not a proper name, with the one possible
exception of Genesis 46:21 (“Rosh,” a son of Benjamin). Nowhere does the
Old Testament mention any nation, people, territory, or city named “rosh.”
It is the
same noun used for the commencement of the Hebrew new year, rosh ha-shanah,
namely, the “head of the year.” Likewise, it is applied to the
start of the new month or rosh chodesh.
Other examples
include the “chief” of a tribe, the “chief priest,” and the “chief
prince.” In one verse, Ezekiel also refers to the “head” or ‘rosh’
of the new year - (Deuteronomy 1:15, 5:23, 2 Kings 25:18, 1 Chronicles
7:40, Ezekiel 40:1).
In Ezekiel, “rosh” occurs thirty-eight times, always with the sense “head.” For example, the “heads” of the living creatures. On one occasion, the prophet was commanded to shave his “head.” In chapter 17, “rosh” refers to the “top” of a branch. In chapter 27, we find the “rosh” or “chief of all spices.” And so on - (Ezekiel 1:22, 5:1, 17:4, 17:22, 27:22).
The King
James Version renders the opening clause from Ezekiel’s vision as, “set
your face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief
prince of Meshech and Tubal.” Here, the A.V. has translated ‘rosh’
as “chief,” and correctly so.
In the
Hebrew clause in Ezekiel 38:2, “rosh” or “chief” follows the Hebrew
noun for “prince” or nasi, the normal word order for a
Hebrew clause where one substantive modifies another (the so-called
‘construct state’). In this case, “chief” modifies “prince.”
The most natural sense is “chief prince.”
As for
any similarity in spelling or pronunciation with ‘rus,’ this may be apparent
in English translations but is not real.
(ראשׁ) is
written with the three Hebrew consonants Resh (ר), Aleph (א),
and Shin (ש). In earlier times, it was written only
with Resh and Shin (רשׁ). The
letter Aleph was added later to mark the long vowel sound or ‘ô’. The
single-letter Shin (ש) provides the ‘sh’ sound in ‘rosh.’
the ninth century A.D., ‘rus’ has been transliterated into
Hebrew as רוס, using the consonants Resh (ר), Vav (ו) and Samech (ס), NOT
Resh (ר), Aleph (א)
and Shin (ש). And the letter Vav marks
the long vowel sound ‘ū.’ Samech is a different Hebrew letter
than Shin and, in English, is more akin to the ‘s’ than the ‘sh’ sound.
The only sound and letter in common between ‘rosh’ and ‘rus’ are
the initial ‘r’ sound from the first letter Resh (ר).
As for
“Gog and Magog,” what is decisive in determining its identity is how the
book of Revelation interprets Ezekiel’s prophecy - (Revelation 19:10-21,
It applies
the term “Gog and Magog” to the final global effort by all nations to
annihilate the “saints.” Rather than being led by the “prince of Rosh,”
this force is gathered by Satan “from the four corners of the earth.”
rather than invade Palestine from the north, it “ascends” over the
entire earth, and the attacking force includes the “kings of the earth”
and their armies.
Ezekiel’s vision is used to portray the Devil’s final effort to destroy the church.
When it fails, the final judgment before the “Great White Throne” comes